The P130NS04ZB is an N-channel Power MOSFET transistor designed for high-performance applications.
The P130NS04ZB MOSFET has a maximum drain-source voltage (Vds) rating of 40V and a continuous drain current (Id) rating of 120A. It has a low on-resistance (Rds(on)) of 1.3 milliohms at a 10V gate-source voltage (Vgs), which enables it to operate with low power loss.
This MOSFET transistor is housed in a TO-263 (D2PAK) package, which offers a low thermal resistance and makes it easy to install onto circuit boards. It is suitable for use in a wide range of applications, including power supplies, motor control, and DC-DC converters.
One of the key features of this MOSFET transistor is its low on-resistance, which enables it to operate with low power loss and provide high efficiency. Its high current rating makes it a good choice for use in high-power applications.
The P130NS04ZB MOSFET transistor is highly reliable due to its use of proven-trench-VDMOS technology. It is designed to handle high current levels with its advanced technical specifications, making it ideal for use in power supply, motor control, and various other applications.
Overall, the P130NS04ZB MOSFET transistor is a high-performance device that is ideal for use in a wide range of high-power applications. Its low on-resistance, high voltage rating, and low thermal resistance make it suitable for demanding applications that require efficient power handling.