IKQ120N60T is a high-voltage N-channel fast-switching IGBT (Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor) from Infineon Technologies. It is a high-performance IGBT with a maximum voltage rating of 600V and current rating of 120A.
The IKQ120N60T features low saturation voltage of 1.6V, which helps reduce power dissipation and improve energy efficiency. The device also has a fast switching time of 24ns, making it ideal for high-frequency switching applications.
The IKQ120N60T is based on Infineon's TRENCHSTOP™5 technology, which enables higher efficiency and switching frequencies. The device is also integrated with a co-packaged diode, which enhances switching performance and lowers noise.
This IGBT is compatible with various circuit board designs due to its standard TO-247 package, and it is commonly used in applications such as solar inverters, motor drives, and welding equipment, among others. The device is designed to operate reliably even under high-temperature conditions, making it suitable for various industrial applications.
Overall, the IKQ120N60T IGBT is a high-performance device that delivers reliable and fast-switching for various power applications. Its low saturation voltage, TRENCHSTOP™5 technology, and co-packaged diode make it an excellent choice for high-power inverter designs that require high efficiency and fast switching frequency.